It all started January 6, 1958 when…
68 dedicated Episcopalians met to determine the desire to establish an Episcopal Church to serve the West Side of Indianapolis. The results was a petition to Bishop Richard A. Kirchhoffer for mission status. With encouragement from Coadjutor John P. Craine, permission was granted.
Two names were considered for the new mission: Church of the Epiphany, as Epiphany was the day of the initial meeting, and St. John's, in honor of the Bishop Coadjutor. The latter was chosen.
The first service at St. John's was held on February 22, 1958, with Father Albert C. Roundtree as Priest-in-charge, and Dean Paul Moore as Acting Vicar. The first confirmation class was presented to Bishop Kirchhoffer in May 1958.
In the summer of 1998, a reunion was held to celebrate St. John's 40th Anniversary, with both past and present members attending to reminisce, pray, and thank the Lord for our church family.
During our 60th Anniversary year, current members of St. John’s discerned that we were called to start a new adventure and go out into the Speedway community, literally! On December 2, 2018 Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows celebrated with us as we held our last service at the 30th Street building. It was a bitter sweet occasion. We have so many fond memories of our life and ministry on 30th street, but through our discernment we decided that we no longer could keep up with the expense of an old building and decided to switch locations to right next to the heart of Speedway - The Indianapolis Motor Speedway!
Currently our services take place inside the Brickyard Crossing (building right to the East of the track) and we often get the treat of hearing cars racing around the track as we walk inside on Sundays. Our new location (and less expenses) allow us to continue our ministry on the West side of Indianapolis and the Town of Speedway.
Join us as we celebrate God and our gifts, engage in outreach in our communities, and grow stronger in faith and determination to fulfill the call God has for the ministry of St. John's Episcopal Church.